Player Profile

Harrison Lea


Year Of Birth :
  • Position
  • Games Played
  • Minutes Played
  • Starts
  • Substitution On
  • Substitution Off
  • Passes
  • Passing Accuracy
  • Passing Accuracy opp. Half
  • Duels Won
  • Duels Lost
  • Duels Won (%)
  • Aerial Duels Won
  • Aerial Duels Lost
  • Aerial Duels Won (%)
  • Recoveries
  • Tackles Won
  • Tackles Lost
  • Tackles Won (%)
  • Clearances
  • Blocks
  • Interceptions
  • Penalties Conceded
  • Fouls Won
  • Fouls Conceded
  • Yellow Cards
  • Red Cards
  • Goals
  • Penalty Goals
  • Minutes Per Goal
  • Total Shots On Target
  • Total Shots Off Target
  • Shooting Accuracy
  • Successful Crosses
  • Unsuccessful Crosses
  • Successful Crosses (%)
  • Assists
  • Chances Created
  • Penalties Won
  • Offsides

Harrison Lea (21) defender/midfielder. Harrison is a centre-half/holding midfielder who joined the Larks from Hellenic Premier League side Royal Wootton Bassett having played for Chippenham Town last season.