Player Profile

Carlo Garside


Year Of Birth :
  • Position
  • Games Played
  • Minutes Played
  • Starts
  • Substitution On
  • Substitution Off
  • Passes
  • Passing Accuracy
  • Passing Accuracy opp. Half
  • Duels Won
  • Duels Lost
  • Duels Won (%)
  • Aerial Duels Won
  • Aerial Duels Lost
  • Aerial Duels Won (%)
  • Recoveries
  • Tackles Won
  • Tackles Lost
  • Tackles Won (%)
  • Clearances
  • Blocks
  • Interceptions
  • Penalties Conceded
  • Fouls Won
  • Fouls Conceded
  • Yellow Cards
  • Red Cards
  • Goals
  • Penalty Goals
  • Minutes Per Goal
  • Total Shots On Target
  • Total Shots Off Target
  • Shooting Accuracy
  • Successful Crosses
  • Unsuccessful Crosses
  • Successful Crosses (%)
  • Assists
  • Chances Created
  • Penalties Won
  • Offsides

Carlo Garside (18) midfielder. Carlo was in the Plymouth Argyle Academy and featured for their first team when he was only 16. He then signed for Plymouth Parkway and switched to the Larks in August.